
Lesvos Clean and Just Energy Transition Week

DAFNI Network of Sustainable Greek Islands, in the context of its role as the national coordinator of the European Commission initiative “Clean energy for EU islands,” is organizing, with the support of the Municipalities of Western Lesvos and Mytilene, the “Week of Clean and Just Energy Transition of Lesvos” from September 16 to 19 on Lesvos.

Lesvos has been selected as one of the 6 Greek and 30 European islands to receive technical support, from the Clean energy for EU islands Secretariat, for the transition of its energy system to 100% renewable energy sources by 2030. In this direction, the municipalities are collaborating with PPC Renewables S.A., DAFNI, and other members of the Secretariat to mature projects of public interest to reach the above ambitious goal.


On the afternoon of Monday, September 16, and the morning of Tuesday, September 17, the event “Clean and Just Energy Transition of Lesvos” will take place in two sections.

The two-day event aims to highlight the challenges, significant potential, and opportunities for Lesvos to become the first large European island to achieve a very high penetration of renewable energy in energy production, by harnessing its rich resources in geothermal, biomass, wind, and solar energy.

1st session: “Clean and Fair Energy Transition for Lesvos – A 100% Renewable Energy-Based System is achievable”

Date: Monday 16 September | 17:30 – 21:00

Location: Conference Room of the Lesvos Chamber of Commerce, Mytilene

The purpose of the first session is to enhance public dialogue on the critical issues of energy security for our island, as well as the gradual decarbonization of energy production.

The event will be attended by representatives from the Ministry of Environment and Energy, RAEWW (Regulatory Authority for Energy Waste and Water), IPTO (Independent Power Transmission Operator), HEDNO (Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator), the academic community, companies with activities in the sector, and others.

The new National Energy and Climate Plan, currently under consultation, will be presented, along with the current regulatory framework, planned electrical grid projects, and the development of Lesvos’ electrical system, as well as proposed renewable energy production projects.

2nd session: “Utilising Geothermal Energy for the Energy Transition and Security of European Islands – The Case of Lesvos”

Date: Tuesday 16 September | 9:30 – 13:30

Location: Polikentro, Polichnitos (open to public)

The event is co-organized with PPC Renewables, on the occasion of the upcoming significant project in Stypsi, which will be the first geothermal energy utilization system on a Mediterranean island, aiming to provide thorough information to the local community. Representatives from institutional bodies and the academic community will participate in the event, while a special session will present developments in the sector on both a European and global scale. Lastly, geothermal utilization projects in other island countries, such as Italy, Iceland, and Portugal, will be presented.


Date: Wednesday 18 September | 9:30- 17:00

Location: Conference Room of the Lesvos Chamber of Commerce, Mytilene (open to public)

The objective of the experiential workshop is to highlight the particularities of community investments both in the production of renewable energy and in energy efficiency projects. On the following day Thursday, September 19, field visits to various points of scientific, technical and cultural interest on the island for a limited number of participants will take place.