Call title: Development and implementation of policies or actions for the exploitation and sustainable management of natural resources
Project duration: December 2018 – November 2019
Budget: €49,940
Role: Maintenance and operation of the updated Geospatial Data Online Portal
Funding body: Green Fund
The purpose of the project is the development of a Geospatial Data Online Portal for all the Greek islands with the exception of Crete and Evia. The project is essentially about establishing an organised database network (platform) with common standards and protocols, which will ensure compatibility and interoperability between data and services.
This Portal will use the existing Geospatial Data Infrastructure of DAFNI Network and will fully comply with the requirements of the Inspire Directive and Law 3882/2010.
The basic thinking behind the project is to enable free access to environmental/geospatial data to a wide range of users (citizens, public administration bodies, educational institutions and other stakeholders) through easy-to-use and documentary tools (maps, legal texts, administration decisions etc.) accompanied by audiovisual material.
The purpose of the project is to enable users to actively participate in designing the Portal, by intervening with comments and recommendations on the completeness of information. Furthermore, it will allow them to express well-founded opinions on administration decisions, which refer to geospatial/environmental data. The ultimate objective of the project is to establish cooperation and data exchange relationships with other actors (e.g. The Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, etc.).
The Geospatial Data Online Portal aims to provide easy access to interoperable spatial information, i.e. the ability to combine geospatial data without repeated operator intervention, in order to achieve coherent results and enhance the added value of data sets and services. In addition, the Portal invests in the integration of new technologies by developing applications and software for geospatial data networking services based on open standards, which are freely available. Finally, the primary objectives of the Portal include the modernisation and improvement of the geo-referenced information provided to a large number of residents and public administration bodies with interactivity features, i.e. feedback, questions, user help for the portal, training material, etc.